The wellbeing of students is a key priority at Montsaye Academy. All staff are trained in safeguarding and our pastoral system helps students develop a close relationship with their form tutor who is their number one port of call. Tutors are the first link in a network of wellbeing support which we offer, including our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Pastoral offices, the SEND department, our ERA room and, where needed, external agencies such at Think for the Future, NHS Mental Health Support Team and counselling services, as well as NHS nurses, all led by our Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Our PSHE programme includes units on mental health and wellbeing and our ERA days develop these themes further, through performances, workshops and talks. In form time we have Fun Friday, or Wellbeing Wednesday as part of our form time activities. We also have a dedicated extra-curriculum lead who works to provide our students with all the extra-curricular activities which we know help to develop students’ self-esteem and wellbeing.
Several forms have been involved in an Anna Freud research project looking into the impact of mindfulness on young people’s wellbeing and we are looking at the outcomes of this, with a view to further expanding this practice.
We also value student voice at Montsaye and in addition to our form reps, who represent years 7 to 11 and are ably supported by our student leaders, we also have Ambassadors for Wellbeing, Community, Equality, Resilience and Aspiration. These Ambassadors work to represent the needs of the students and create a community which lifts up every member to achieve beyond their potential.
If your child requires support with their mental health and wellbeing please get in touch with our pastoral team, or you can access other services such as SHOUT by texting 85258.
Year 7 Student Welfare Officer Mrs Walters Morgan awmorgan@montsaye.northants.sch.uk
Year 8 Student Welfare Officer S King SKing@montsaye.northants.sch.uk
Year 9 Student Welfare Officer L Baker lbaker@montsaye.northants.sch.uk
Year 10 Student Welfare Officer V Summers VSummers@montsaye.northants.sch.uk
Year 11 Student Welfare Officer L Long llong@montsaye.northants.sch.uk
Family Support Officer M Denton mdenton@montsaye.northants.sch.uk