ERA days


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Student Feedback from Year 7 ERA Day 9th February 2023

- Make sure you are showing the ERA values and always doing that and be kind to others and respect opinions and other things like that.

- You may have your ups and downs every so often but it’s okay to feel that way. We all feel that way and no one should feel alone when going through this.

- I really enjoyed today2

- It was great day


Data from previous ERA Days: 


ERA day pie chart Oct 2018


“We were so impressed that during the workshop afterwards, hands up weren’t necessary because everyone was contributing in such a sensible manner – something we rarely see! In fact I can’t remember the last time. It was like having a discussion with a group of adults..” Ellie, Loudmouth Productions.

“Absolute privilege taking part. The school did a great job. Many of the students expressed disappointment at having to move on so soon (which is always nice!)” Marvee-Lisa, Apprenticeships specialist

“A joyful experience” Rev Ruth Colby, Local priest.


94% rated the day as ‘good’ or higher.

2/3 stated they now know more ways to revise.

78% stated they are now better equipped to look after their mental health and wellbeing.

Response students contributed after the ERA day, when asked what one thing they plan to differently:

To meditate
Have a look at how to do what I want after year 11
Manage my stress
How I go about revising
Change how I revise
Relax more
Sleep more
Not stress as much – whatever happens, happens.
Find time to do mindfulness
Pursue what I love
Go on my phone less
Revise more and get more sleep
My mental health
Stress less and possibly take up boxercise
The amount of stress I give myself
Try and get into a revision routine
The amount of exercise I do
How I revise and how long for
Go outside more
The balance between study and relaxation
Make a revision timetable including breaks
Try to focus on my work more and block out distractions
Not be as stressed
Revise differently
Study more
Use oral repetition while revising
Try different ways to revise
The way I look after my health
Calm down more and think about my future more
Make a revision timetable
Use the skills learned to try and improve my mental health
Sleep more and use ways to deal with my stress that I have learnt
Split up revision sessions
Not be as stressed
Revise differently
Study more
Use oral repetition while revising
Try different ways to revise
The way I look after my health
Calm down more and think about my future more
Make a revision timetable
Use the skills learned to try and improve my mental health
Sleep more and use ways to deal with my stress that I have learnt
Split up revision sessions

Other comments:

Thank you
Very helpful
Ta very much
Deffo do it again
Well planned out
Well organised, fun
More days like this
I loved the day, especially the mindfulness.
Need to do more days like this, very useful.
Less activities so you have more time on them
A lot better than I originally thought it would be
Very well organised, so much better than I thought it would be
It was really well organised and I would like another one.
Maybe have a lesson once a month of boxercise and yoga.
It was a variety of activities which made the day interesting.
I like how there were loads of different things so if you didn’t like one, you still didn’t get bored.
Thank you for taking the time to organise all of this.
A decent day

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