Homework at Montsaye Academy
All students are expected to complete homework regularly.
The main purpose of homework is to support and encourage students to develop independent study skills, organisational skills, effective time management and self discipline. In addition, it will help to raise levels of attainment and further challenge and extend the in‐school learning.
Homework can consist of a variety of forms, some of which are outlined below.
-Recall of key definitions and facts using knowledge organisers
-Consolidating classroom learning through practice using online platforms such as Sparx and Seneca
All students are expected to complete 20 minutes independent reading each day. This is because research shows that the more children read, the more their vocabulary grows as well as their ability to communicate.
In order to ensure that the homework set for our students is high quality and adds value to the learning they complete within school, Heads of Subjects within each faculty across the Academy will conduct quality-assurance checks as part of the whole school quality assurance schedule. Our Senior Leadership Team will also have responsibility to quality assure the amount of homework set, the quality of set homework and respond to or seek student and parent voice regarding homework.
Students will receive praise points for completion of homework. Incomplete homework will be logged on Arbor. Year 11 students will receive an afterschool detention if a piece of English or Maths homework is missed. The expectation is that the missed work will be completed during this detention.
We have introduced a homework timetable. This is to ensure our students organise their homework tasks and set aside an appropriate length of time for each task. The timetable below indicates on which day homework will be set for the specific subjects.
How can I support my child with their homework?
Children can find it very helpful if routines are established at home whereby homework has a specific time set aside for its completion. In addition, it is beneficial to provide an appropriate place within the home where your child is able to focus on completing the work that has been set. Furthermore, it is particularly useful to discuss homework with your child regularly as they may raise queries which you might be able to assist them with or can help them make contact with their teacher. You are able to check what homework has been set by checking the Arbor Website or App. It also allows your child to contact their teachers with any specific questions they may have in regards to the homework they have been set.
Should you require any further information with regards to homework at Montsaye please feel free to contact either your child’s form teacher, subject teacher or the relevant head of subject. Alternatively, please contact the Academy and ask to speak Mrs G Horne.
Students – did you know you can access Microsoft Teams via your Xbox or PlayStation? Below is a quick guide on how to get online via your console. Once you’re on the internet browser, just go to to https://microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/log-in and login using your school details!