KS3 Curriculum

KS3 Curriculum: Years 7, 8 & 9

The key stage 3 curriculum at Montsaye academy provides students with the opportunity to explore a range of subjects whilst securing a solid base of knowledge in-line with the requirements of the National Curriculum. Our curriculum, and its delivery, intends to produce ambitious learners that strive for excellence.

Following a smooth transition from key stage 2, students will be taught the key foundations that will underpin their progress through to their option choices at the end of year 9. Lessons will explore the subject specific knowledge students will need and the opportunities the subject will provide within future career pathways. Variations within key stage 3 will only be made in exceptional circumstances to meet individual learner needs.

During years 7 to 9, students cover a broad and balanced curriculum studying a full suite of subjects from across the national curriculum. Lessons are taught over a two week timetable, with lessons distributed evenly so that students have the opportunity to reflect on learning and complete homework before their next lesson. 

Students study a total of 50 lessons within the two-week timetable. The composition of the timetable by subject is shown in the graphic below:



Key: Subject (Number of lessons per fortnight)



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Greening Rd
NN14 6BB

Tel: 01536 418844