

Careers Lead - Mrs K Knight -

SLT Careers Link - Mr S Finan - 

Please see below text outlining our careers programme, including details of how pupils, parents, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme.

The school will next review this information in September 2024.

We are committed to providing high quality careers education and guidance as an integral part of every student’s education. We will seek to ensure that the provision is appropriate to the age, stage, ability and educational needs of every individual and is underpinned by equality of opportunity. The academy is committed to providing a planned programme for all students in Years 7-13 in partnership with relevant external organisations. 


Prospects – Inspiring people: Developing Potential
We work closely with prospects to deliver a bespoke package to ensure that all students receive impartial careers information, advice and guidance at key points in their educational journey at Montsaye.

About Prospects
Prospects transforms lives and communities through our innovation and expertise in employment, skills, care and education.
For over 20 years we have combined business excellence and public service values to inspire more than half a million young people and adults across the UK every year to develop their potential.

Employment and Skills
Prospects give people the chance to develop their potential by giving them the advice and guidance and the skills to get into meaningful employment and to progress in the work place.

Care and Support
Prospects support vulnerable children, young people and adults, keeping them safe, reducing risk and improving their life chances.

Education and Learning
We work with learners of all ages, leaders and teachers to transform the quality and impact of education.
Below is a list of some of the activities, support and events that our students will receive, please note this is not an exhaustive list.
• Assembly Presentation
• Options at 16 Presentation – overview of the pathways open to students. Sessions will also outline the support available throughout the year.
• 1:1 Career interview (all KS4 students, KS3 on request via pastoral mentor)
• Sixth Form Apprenticeship Presentation and 1:1 interviews
• Whole school Careers Fair or similar event
• Parental support – careers advisor in attendance at GCSE Options Evening, Year 11 Parent Evening and Sixth Form Information Evening

The Gatsby benchmarks

Monitoring and Evaluation
The effectiveness of our careers and raising aspiration activities will be assessed using the Gatsby benchmarks and attainment and destination data for students. Success will be reflected in higher numbers progressing to apprenticeships, universities, traineeships and other positive destinations such as employment or a further education college. Destination data (DfE) will be used to assess how successfully students make the transition into the next stage of education or training, or into employment.
The academy measures the impact of the careers programme using the “The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance” through the Career and Enterprise Compass Tool. The programme is evaluated twice a year.

Gatsby benchmarks:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

The Baker Clause
Alongside the Gatsby benchmarks, our careers provision is also fully compliant with the Baker Clause which states that all students from Year 8 to Year 13 must have access to colleges and training providers to discuss non-academic routes including apprenticeships. This is to ensure that all students receive the careers advice which is most relevant and useful to them.

We need your help
We are looking for passionate employers from businesses and other organisations to help our students and bring the world of work to life for the next generation. We would particularly value:
• Employer talks
• Business site visits
• Mock interviews
• CV and cover letter support
• Mentoring
• Work experience or job shadowing
• Enterprise activities
If you are passionate about shaping the workforce of the future or for further information, please contact Montsaye Academy on 01536 418844


Useful resources

Careermag for School Leavers | Careermap - a great resource to for students.

Careermag for Parents | Careermap - a great resource for parents.

Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service - provides career information, advice, and guidance to support with decision-making at all stages of your education and career.

Contact Us

Greening Rd
NN14 6BB

Tel: 01536 418844