
Montsaye’s Curriculum Model

At Montsaye Academy we believe in a curriculum that produces excellence, inspires resilience and forefronts aspiration regardless of background, which is built on high challenge and enabling opportunities for all students. This ensures that the curriculum we are implementing within the school is ambitious in the depth of knowledge being taught, as well as scope that it also covers.

The curriculum is designed to enable students be excel in the wider world and have the skills and educational currency to thrive once they leave Montsaye Academy.

For further information regarding our curriculum, contact 

Our Curriculum Aims

  • Create a learning climate of high challenge and high expectations
  • Allow pupils to participate in a wide range of subjects and learning experiences
  • Consider the needs of all pupils, including those from disadvantaged background, and with SEND
  • Sequenced knowledge-rich to ignite deeper learning
  • Ensure our students are prepared for their next steps
  • Provide opportunities for students to explore how to keep themselves safe both in their community and the wider world
  • Gain knowledge of local and national concepts

The Curriculum Experience

We are very proud of the curriculum we offer. During their time with us, all students will be experience:

  • Clear lines of progression over 7 years, ensuring good progress.
  • A broad and balanced offer so that students are given the opportunity to experience a range of subjects at Key Stage 3.
  • A three year Key Stage 3
  • A range of optional subjects are made available at Key Stage 4 so that students can specialise in areas most relevant to them and their career aspirations.
  • More contact time in English and Mathematics to ensure students have the core skills required to be successful going forward.
  • An SMSC programme built around the core values of Excellence, Resilience and Aspiration, with ERA days to give students the full learning experience.
  • A supportive induction into secondary school for all year 7 students.
  • Extra-curricular time that encompasses sports, arts, cadets, revision master classes, and a wide range of other clubs that include a multitude of interests.

 Subject Overviews 

KS3 Curriculum 

KS4 Curriculum


Contact Us

Greening Rd
NN14 6BB

Tel: 01536 418844